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©_2002_Authorized and_paid_for_by_the Committee_to_Elect Vivian_Houghton Attorney_General, 800_N_West_St., Wilmington_DE_19801

Home Page
  • Houghton Campaign Meeting 7 pm Tues., Nov. 19 at Frieda's house to 

    • discuss in a relaxed atmosphere the campaign's strengths and weaknesses,

    • develop plans for a fundraiser to help offset campaign costs, and 

    • hang out together and enjoy each other's company. 

  • THANK YOU, everyone, for your support!

  • DELAWARE WINS WITH HOUGHTON CAMPAIGN  Despite Jane Brady's reelection on Tuesday, Delaware citizens emerge as winners with Houghton's "People First" campaign for the office of Attorney General. The three-way race and bold positions taken by the Houghton campaign led to an increase in votes for Attorney General of over 50,000 (28%) from the previous Attorney General election (1998). (click here for complete news release)

  • Victory Party!  Election night at United Auto Workers Hall, Old Capitol Trail, Prices Corner Shopping Center. Doors open at 7 pm, but don't leave a busy polling place.  (click here for details)

  • Houghton Supporters Needed On Election Day!!  WE NEED VOLUNTEERS FOR: (click here for details

  • Polling Places: New Castle County (278 kb file), Kent County, and Sussex County

  • The Nation online (THE ONLINE BEAT by John Nichols) on Vivian Houghton for Delaware Green Attorney General, "In a state that prides itself on letting corporations off easy - especially local firms such as the DuPont chemical conglomerate - candidates for the position of Delaware Attorney General do not typically talk about throwing corporate criminals in jail. But Vivian Houghton is not a typical candidate for the top law enforcement job in Delaware - or, for that matter, most states." (click here for complete article

  • Houghton Campaign Questions "Secret" Organizations' Support of Brady - American Taxpayers Alliance and Republican Attorney Generals Association (RAGA) refuse to list its members and contributors. Houghton maintains independence by relying on grassroots community support. (click here for details)

  • Houghton Campaign for Attorney General Ignites - Prominent Delawareans endorse her character, abilities, and positions on the issues. As the Houghton campaign enters the last two weeks of the campaign, several prominent Delawareans have stepped forward to endorse her candidacy for the office of Delaware Attorney General, adding fuel to her grassroots campaign that has caught fire throughout the State. (click here for text)

  • Candidates for attorney general meet - News Journal reports on candidates forum hosted by Italo-Americans United. Brady and Schnee stress record; Houghton focuses on independence (click here for complete text)

  • Residents listen to state, local candidates - Newark Post Article excerpt - Newark residents got a chance to "Meet the Candidates" who are running for public office last Wednesday. (click here for complete text)

  • Omowali and Ayo Walker invite you to join them for a fundraising house party 7 p.m.. Friday, October 25, Middletown, Delaware.  (click here for details)

  • News Journal says, "3-way race expected to be close" - Three longtime Delaware attorneys are facing off in the race to be the state's top prosecutor in what party leaders expect will be one of the closest contests on the Nov. 5 ballot." (see text of page A-1 article

  • News Journal says, "Green Party candidate not 'humdrum' - Vivian Houghton drives a 1995 Oldsmobile with a bullet hole near the gas tank.  The car was hit this spring while parked outside her row house in the 800 block of Bennett St. on Wilmington's East Side." (see text of article)

  • News Journal column by Vivian A. Houghton, "Go after polluters and monied interests with equal vigor. The most important issue facing the attorney general's office is fairness." (click here for text)

  • Campaign works Pulaski Parade - Click here to see pictures of campaign workers having a good time getting the word out

  • The Living Law, speech given at the Vision of Justice forum, University of Delaware, October 10, 2002, by Vivian Houghton, "Good evening. I want to start my discussion about justice in Delaware by dealing with the facts of a court case that didn’t occur in Delaware but somewhere else." (click here for text).  

  • Houghton Earns Coalition of Black Trade Unionist Endorsement - Vivian Houghton, Green Party candidate for Delaware Attorney General has received the endorsement of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists of Delaware (CBTU-DE).  (click here for news release)

  • The Raw Spirit of Democracy, Speech given after Ralph Nader’s endorsement, October 5, 2002, by Vivian Houghton, "Before saying anything else, let me first say the obvious: I cherish Ralph Nader’s endorsement. Since one of the main jobs of the attorney general position that I am running for is the prosecution of criminals, let’s take a few minutes to look at prosecution and incarceration trends in Delaware."  (click here for complete text)

  • Houghton supports ILWU workers - Vivian Houghton joined Green Party in calling for national support for locked out workers of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), and condemned President Bush's invocation of the Taft-Hartley Act and threats to empower the Department of Homeland Security.   Greens see special danger in possible plan by the President to send the Navy to work as scab labor at the docks, which would effectively strip ILWU of its collective bargaining rights. (click for news release)

  • The Review (University of Delaware) reports Ralph Nader endorses Vivian Houghton - Former Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader delivered an impassioned speech to approximately 250 people Saturday night, fiercely attacking corporate criminals and criticizing President George W. Bush for his pursuit of war against Iraq.  "To divert attention from the necessities that are ignored in our country," Nader said, "the president of the United States is beating the drums of war."  Nader, who visited the Unitarian Universalist Church on Willa Road to endorse Vivian Houghton as Delaware's Green Party candidate for attorney general, also said corporate theft plagues the United States. (click here for link to The Review Archive of the story)

  • The News Journal reports Ralph Nader endorses Vivian Houghton - Attorney General candidate Vivian Houghton was endorsed by 2000 presidential candidate and consumer-rights advocate Ralph Nader in Newark on Saturday. (click here for News Journal article text)

  • Houghton Appalled by Lack of Available Health Care for Delawareans - According to recent estimates there are 96,000 uninsured Delawareans.  A large portion of them are the working poor, who do not qualify for Medicaid, are not provided health insurance by their employers, and whose income is insufficient to purchase basic health care coverage. Some 32,000 children in Delaware, nearly one out of every six, are without health insurance. (click here for text)

  • Nader to endorse Vivian Houghton for Delaware Attorney General - Newark, DE: 2000 Green Party presidential candidate, Ralph Nader, will endorse Vivian Houghton's bid for the office of Delaware Attorney General at a Newark press conference on Saturday, October 5th. (click here for text)

  • AG Candidate Responds to Common Cause Survey of Elected Officials - Houghton supports initiatives for free air time, campaign finance reform, establishment of a non-partisan redistricting commission, enforcement of the Freedom of Information Act, and House/Senate rule reform at press conference. (click here for text)

  • Schnee Contradicts Himself on Corporate Campaign Contributions - Mr. Schnee refused to even acknowledge the possibility of political corruption. As he persisted in his refusal, Ms. Houghton  hammered home the point that it was precisely such corruption (the kind that Mr. Schnee dismissed as unsubstantiated) that helped create a political climate in which Motiva, Metachem, Sunoco, General Chemical and other multi-million dollar companies have gotten away with only token fines while dumping carcinogens in our soil, spewing poisons in the air, and fouling our water.  Now that Mr. Schnee lags behind in the race, he has suddenly reversed himself in a key issue in order to rev up his dispirited campaign. (click here for text)

  • Houghton Rebuts News Journal Editor Williams One of Williams’ more curious criticisms is that while Brady and Schnee talk about “legitimate” concerns, I waste his time by insisting that “voters are…interested in issues about race, justice, and pollution.”  That Williams views such issues as irrelevant to the attorney general contest is a sad commentary on how little political understanding is required to become a News Journal editor. (click here for text)

  • Green sets record straight on Green Party winning and growth - Contrary to Ron Williams' opinion, the Green Party does win elections.  In just a few short years, the Green Party has gone from a handful of state parties and elected officials, to a nationally organized party with public officials elected across the nation. (click here for text)

  • Houghton Responds to Opponent's Views on Establishing an Environmental Crime Unit Green Party candidate for Attorney General Vivian Houghton responded today to her Democratic opponent's recent statements on establishing an environmental crime unit in the Attorney General's office.  "Unfortunately, Mr. Schnee is a Johnny-comes-lately with regards to this issue," said Houghton. (click for text)

  • UAW CAP endorses Houghton for Attorney General - The Delaware State Community Action Program (CAP) Council of the United Auto Workers (UAW) this week endorsed Vivian Houghton for state Attorney General.  The endorsement followed their review of Houghton's positions and in light of her many years advocating for Delaware's union workers, including testimony to the Delaware General Assembly against the anti-union "right to work" legislation which she re-named the "right to work for less" legislation at the time. (click here for text)

  • "Vision of Delaware Education," by Vivian Houghton. The office of attorney general occupies an intersection of law and public policy, where there is much opportunity to have policy impact on state government agencies and the legislature. (click here for text

  • Houghton Chides Brady/Schnee at Wilmington Press Conference. Calls for Delaware to move beyond two party system to address people's needs. Vows to attack the virus of injustice by putting "people first." (click here for details)

  • Showing of the classic movie "Casablanca" to benefit Houghton campaign on Friday, September 27th in Middletown (click here for details

  • Houghton to Speak at Rehoboth Fundraiser
    Vivian Houghton, Green Party candidate for Delaware Attorney General, will address supporters and other interested people at a Rehoboth fundraiser Wednesday, September 25th.  In her address she is expected to speak to her major policy positions on the criminal justice system, civil rights, health care, and over-development. (click here for complete text of news release)

  • Dear Union Brothers and Sisters  "The state Attorney General's job is to enforce state laws. Theoretically, this means enforcing those laws equitably so there is no difference in how the laws are applied to rich and poor, whites and people of color, and so on."  (click here for complete text)

  • AG Candidate Responds to Common Cause Survey of Elected Officials  Houghton supports initiatives for free air time, campaign finance reform, establishment of a non-partisan redistricting commission, enforcement of the Freedom of Information Act, and House/Senate rule reform at press conference. (click here for details

  • Delaware Law Weekly reports Vivian Houghton speech to national convention of Green Party "Vivian A. Houghton took on racial injustice, polluters, corporate greed and worker exploitation in a brass-knuckle speech for the Green Party's national convention Friday, July 19, in Philadelphia." (click here for complete text)

  • Plummer-Schmiesing host dinner party for Vivian Houghton (click here for details)

  • Terri Maurer-Carter & family host pool party for Vivian Houghton.  (click here for details)

  • “Pregúnteme donde tienen yo sido y le diré [Thoughts Concerning Delaware’s Latino Communities]," Speech presented by Vivian Houghton 7/30/02 to Phoenix Community.  "From Georgetown’s “Little Guatemala” to Wilmington’s 4th St. just north of I-95, the statistics concerning the growth of Delaware’s Hispanic population aren’t just numbers, they’re flesh. [click here for details]

  • "Freedom, The Product of Our Actions," July 19, 2002, Speech by Vivian Houghton at the Green Party National Convention, Philadelphia, "One of the reasons we're all gathered here from around the nation tonight is because we know that what happens in each of our states is connected to what happens in other states.  When Donovan Jackson, a 16-year-old black youth from Inglewood, California was handcuffed and them smashed face-first against a police car trunk by a white officer, it wasn't only Donovan Jackson who was battered, it was the whole criminal justice system. [click here for details]

  • Sign Placement / Removal Guidelines
    Delaware Department of Transportation (DEL DOT) notified the campaign on July 17 of the sign placement/ removal guidelines.  (click here for details)

  • Letter to the Editor on Bankruptcy
    Dear Editor:
    The Sunday (7/21) News Journal published a lengthy bankruptcy article that paid almost no attention to the controversy surrounding the so-called reform bankruptcy bill being considered by congress.  This omission is unforgivable, given that Sen. Joe Biden and MBNA stand at the center of this controversy. (click here for the complete text)

  • Vivian Houghton anunciará su candidatura para la oficina de Fiscal General de Delaware Wilmington -- Partidaria del Partido Verde (Green Party) de Delaware Vivian Houghton, licenciada de familia y bancarota, anunciará su candidatura para la oficina de Fiscal General de Delaware durante una conferencia de prensa en los tres condados el dia 29 de abril. (PARA MÁS INFORMACIÓN)

  • Delaware Law Weekly Views Houghton as Strong in Debate "Houghton in her appropriately colored green jacket made herself a presence, almost always being the first to answer Oliver's questions and often displaying disbelief or skepticism when the other candidates were talking.  Schnee looking up at the ceiling and down at his shoes, as if searching for political air wherever he could find it." (click for the complete article as a pdf file or html file)

  • The interconnected issues of women, politics and power "As you know, the title of my talk this morning is 'Thinking about Political Alternatives in a Changing World.'  Although the theme I eventually want to discuss with you pertains to the interconnected issues of women, politics and power, let me first give you a specific example, one you will be familiar with, of what the changing world we live in looks like.  Seventeen years ago in 1985..." (click for the complete text as pdf file or html file)

  • Attorney General Campaign Accuses the News Journal of Unethical Reporting "The Vivian Houghton Campaign for Attorney General today accused Delaware's largest newspaper of distorted reporting in a story published on Sunday, June 23, 2002.  The story, which purported to summarize..."  (click here for the complete text)

US Postal Service Address [send checks here]

Committee to Elect Vivian Houghton
800 N. West St.
Wilmington DE 19801