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©_2002_Authorized and_paid_for_by_the Committee_to_Elect Vivian_Houghton Attorney_General, 800_N_West_St., Wilmington_DE_19801

Delaware Department of Transportation
Sign Placement / Removal Guidelines*

"Clear Zones" are the first ten feet of a right-of-way, as measured outward from the outermost paved, stone or gravel surface of a roadway (travel lane or shoulder), or the full extent of a right-of-way, if the entire right-of-way extends less than ten feet from the edge of the pavement, except that Clear Zones inside State-maintained residential subdivisions are seven feet wide, instead of ten.  

"Right-of-Way" is the limit of property owned or controlled/ maintained by DEL DOT.  It may be wider or narrower than the Clear Zone, but is usually wider.  

Inside Municipal Boundaries 

  • Political advertising is allowed on private property of any zoning, with the permission of the property owner

  • DEL DOT will remove political advertising signs from Federal roadways after a one-time written notice** and 30-day compliance period (as per Title 17 DE Code, Chapter 11, Section 1102 [b] [4])

    • Northern District (New Castle County north of the C&D Canal)

      • [no information available]

    • Central District (Kent County and the portion of New Castle County south of the C&D Canal)

      • US Route 13

      • US Route 113

      • US Route 301

      • State Route 1

      • State Route 8 between Halltown and Saulsbury roads (Forest Avenue between Pearson's Corner and a point within Dover).

      • State Route 15 between Scarborough Road and North Street (McKee Road between Scarborough and College Roads, plus all of Saulsbury Road, all within Dover)

      • Scarborough Road (all within Dover)

      • State Route 44

    • Southern District (Sussex County)

      • [no information available]

  • DEL DOT will not remove advertising on other roadways (as per Title 17 DE Code, Chapter 11, Section 1103 [c]). 

  • By law, there are no "Clear Zones" inside municipalities.  DEL DOT will not remove signs from "Clear Zones."  [Note: Local ordinances may limit political signs in their jurisdictions.]

Outside Municipal Boundaries

  • Political advertising is allowed on private property of any zoning, with the permission of the property owner

  • DEL DOT will immediately remove advertising objects (e.g., signs) from Clear Zones of all State-maintained roadways in unincorporated areas, but will provide a one-time post-removal notice** and opportunity to recover removed property, as per Title 17 DE Code, Chapter 5, Section 525.

  • DEL DOT will remove signs from non-Clear-Zone Rights-of-Way of State-maintained roadways after a one-time written notice** and 30-day compliance period.  

** Only one written notice with or without 30-day compliance period will be issued to a sign owner relative to signs placed anywhere in Delaware.  DEL DOT may make removals at any future time without any further pre-removal or post-removal notice.  

*  Note:  Extracted and rephrased from "Sign Placement / Removal Guidelines--Central District," Delaware Department of Transporation, July 2002.  This information was prepared from the above source.  We make no warranty to its completeness or accuracy or the actions of others than DEL DOT.