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©_2002_Authorized and_paid_for_by_the Committee_to_Elect Vivian_Houghton Attorney_General, 800_N_West_St., Wilmington_DE_19801

Articles, Speeches and Statements
by and about Vivian Houghton

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"Vision of Delaware Education," by Vivian Houghton. The office of attorney general occupies an intersection of law and public policy, where there is much opportunity to have policy impact on state government agencies and the legislature. (click here for text)

Health Care

Houghton Appalled by Lack of Available Health Care for Delawareans - According to recent estimates there are 96,000 uninsured Delawareans.  A large portion of them are the working poor, who do not qualify for Medicaid, are not provided health insurance by their employers, and whose income is insufficient to purchase basic health care coverage. Some 32,000 children in Delaware, nearly one out of every six, are without health insurance. (click here for text)

Against Criminal Injustice

"Vivian Houghton Urges An End to Mandatory Minimum Sentencing," News Release, Committee to Elect Vivian Houghton Attorney General, 4/22/02 (pdf file or html file

"Jane Brady Attacks Civil Liberties, Vivian Houghton Opposes Attack," Green Delaware (click here for pdf file)

Against Sexism & Racism

"How the University of Delaware Treats Women & African-Americans," The News Journal, 2000 (click here for pdf file)

"The Rodney King Incident, U. S. Politics, and Racism," Rainbow Coalition Discussion Paper, 1992 (click here for pdf file)

Career Day Speech at Padua Academy by Vivian Houghton 1992 (click here for complete text)

Politics and Power

The News Journal reports Ralph Nader endorses Vivian Houghton - Attorney General candidate Vivian Houghton was endorsed by 2000 presidential candidate and consumer-rights advocate Ralph Nader in Newark on Saturday. (click here for News Journal article text)

UAW CAP endorses Houghton for Attorney General - The Delaware State Community Action Program (CAP) Council of the United Auto Workers (UAW) this week endorsed Vivian Houghton for state Attorney General.  The endorsement followed their review of Houghton's positions and in light of her many years advocating for Delaware's union workers, including testimony to the Delaware General Assembly against the anti-union "right to work" legislation which she re-named the "right to work for less" legislation at the time. (click here for text)

"One Lawyer's Thoughts on Advertising and the Legal Profession," Article by Vivian Houghton (click here for text)

“Pregúnteme donde tienen yo sido y le diré [Thoughts Concerning Delaware’s Latino Communities]," Speech presented to Phoenix Community 7/30/02 by Vivian A. Houghton (click here for text)

"News Journal article omits Bankruptcy Reform Bill Controversy," Letter to the Editor by Vivian Houghton, 7/22/02 (click here for text submitted)

"Thinking About Political Alternatives in a Changing World," Presented to the UAW CAP Council, 6/29/02 (click here for text)

"Rethinking Our Feminist Priorities--What Does “Making A Difference” in Our Communities Mean?" Presented at the Delaware Women’s Conference 2000, by Vivian Houghton (click here for text)

"Vivian Houghton will resist corporate Welfare Deals," Letter to the Editor by J. Roy Cannon, 4/3/02 (click here for text submitted)

"Freedom, The Product of Our Actions," July 19, 2002, Green Party Convention, Philadelphia, "One of the reasons we're all gathered here from around the nation tonight is because we know that what happens in each of our states is connected to what happens in other states.  When Donovan Jackson, a 16-year-old black youth from Inglewood, California was handcuffed and them smashed face-first against a police car trunk by a white officer, it wasn't only Donovan Jackson who was battered, it was the whole criminal justice system..." [click here for text]

"Green Candidates Place Strongly in State-Level Races," News Release by Green Party of the United States, 4/15/02 (click here for pdf file)

"Greens Focus on More than the Environment," by Stacey Carlough, The Review (click here for pdf file)

"What Kind of Two-Party System is This?" Introducing Ralph Nader, Green Party Presidential Candidate at the Friends Meeting House in Wilmington, 7/28/2000 (click here for pdf file)

Campaign For Attorney General

"Announcement Speech," By Vivian Houghton, 4/29/02 (pdf file or html file)

"The Challenge: Are You Willing to Work for What You Believe In?" Speech by Vivian Houghton, about 4/6/02 (click here for pdf file)

"Greens Rally for Attorney General Candidate Vivian Houghton," News Release by the Green Party of Delaware, 4/22/02 (click here for pdf file)

"AG Candidates Race Tightens," Delaware Law Weekly, 6/26/02 (pdf file or html file)

"Social Worker Endorses Vivian Houghton," Green Diamond (click here for pdf file)

"Attorney General Campaign Accuses Delaware’s Largest Newspaper of Unethical Reporting,"  News Release, Committee to Elect Vivian Houghton Attorney General, 6/24/02 (click here for complete text)

"Houghton," Delaware Law Weekly, 7/31/02 article on Vivian Houghton speech at the national Green Party convention in Philadelphia (click here for complete text)

Control of Women's Bodies

Speech Given at the Rock for Choice Concert, University of Delaware, 4/26/02 (click here for pdf file)

Environment vs. DNREC

"Houghton Accuses DNREC of Crimes Against Delaware Residents," News Release by the Committee to Elect Vivian Houghton Attorney General, 6/6/02 (click here for complete text)

"Green Party Candidate for Attorney General Vivian Houghton Denounces DNREC Response to Sunoco Pollution," News Release, Committee to Elect Vivian Houghton Attorney General, 4/8/02 (pdf file or html file)

"Polluters At It Again; Houghton Recommends Canceling A Company's Corporate Charter," Clean Air Council (click here for pdf file)